SS1207 Course registration

    The Mindful Way Through Anxiety (SS1207)

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    1. Once you click the Submit button below, a registration email will be sent out to the email you provided. Be sure to "white list" in your main and/ or secondary email address. Check your inbox and the spam folder. Some employers block emails from unknown sources. The registration email can take up to 15 minutes to arrive.

    2. This registration email will contain a password that you will need to print out or write down.

    3. Once you complete the payment, you will be forwarded to a course listing page. Upon clicking on the correct course, you will be asked for this password. A second "receipt for payment" email from PayPal will arrive at this point.

    4. Bookmark (Ctrl+B) the course webpage address if you plan to return to it later. You would not be able to navigate to the course webpage upon leaving it otherwise. You will be prompted for the password every time you access this page.

    5. You do not need a PayPal account to pay for the course- it can be paid via a credit card if needed. In case you run into problems paying, please look up your issue on PayPal's FAQ and contact PayPal support before proceeding to contact Val Kinjerski. This is the link to PayPal help centre.

    6. Most importantly: Enjoy the course!

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